Paese: United Kingdom
Città: Derbyshire
Hai aderito: 2 anni fa
Sesso: non ci sono altri dati
Situazione sentimentale: Single / Single
Hai aggiunto: 2 video , 1 album
Età: 36
Orientamento sessuale: Omosessuale
Preferiti: niente
Su di me: Hiya. I'm a tall, Amazonian british transgirl. I'm very sexually experienced but incredibly bored of normal sex❤ I love being a cumdump for my freinds and strangers alike who need to empty their loads into and leaving their seed deep inside me❤ I have a few things id like to try and to film to upload, I'm not shy and I'm very discreet of my partners❤

Boredtransgirl - Amici (1)