Paese: United States
Città: non ci sono altri dati
Hai aderito: 9 mesi fa
Sesso: Transsexual
Situazione sentimentale: Single / Single
Hai aggiunto: 66 video , 12 album
Età: 43
Orientamento sessuale: Omosessuale
Preferiti: niente
Su di me: I am a 42-year-old virgin and I have never had sex with a woman or touched a boob. I've been masturbating all my life!!! I like to blowjobs and give my ass, and women are for real men!!!❤️ ❤️ I'm not a man, I'm a fag ❤️ My private collection of photos and videos of me. Copying and distribution on and off the Internet is allowed. The use of my photos, videos and image in any way on the internet and offline is allowed. The owner of the photos and videos allows and grants this right to any person, company, distributors as well as porn or gay porn websites. ❤️